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The simplest way to run Open Source Software

We help companies to deploy, secure, backup and update open source softwares on scalable cloud infrastructure.

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Open Source

Deploy any one of over 150 supported softwares on a dedicated instance in less than 3 minutes. You can relax knowing that we are taking care of installation, configuration, encryption, backups, software & OS updates, live monitoring…and more!

Start Deploying

    Automated Updates

    Keep your open source software updated is one of the most painfull but critical devOps task. We provide automated OS & Software updates to keep your services secure.

    Select the major version to keep updated

    Configure if only security patches should be applied on your service

    Configure updates frequency & behavior

    Assisted upgrades are also available for critical systems

    OS Updates
    Software Updates

    Automated Security

    We deploy your service with sane security by default, this includes E2E encryption, firewall, and authentication.

    Automated SSL/TLS

    Network Firewall preconfigured per software & Web Application Firewall

    IP Rate Limiter & Output cache (Layer7 protection)

    Deleted services are restorable for up to 30 days

    E2E encryption

    Automated backups

    We take care for you of automating backups for your service with 3 differents ways in two different locations. You can restore your datas in a few minutes easily.

    Automated remote backups in another Datacenter

    Automated VM Snapshots

    Manual backups

    Up to 30 days of retention
    Reliable & Safe

    Global Multi-cloud

    Seamless management of your software across all our cloud providers using a secure, encrypted global private IP and a consistent global API for all your services.

    Global Private Network across a fully meshed network with encryption and security groups

    Global API for consistent deployment across all cloud providers

    Automated migrations from one cloud provider to another in just a few clicks

    Live Monitoring
    End-to-End Encryption

Make the most out of
open source with elestio

Automated deploy

Select an open source software and start using
it after few minutes in a secure and scalable

No vendor lock-in

Migrate your workload from/to any cloud
provider supported in a click from our services

Predictable pricing

Fixed price covering everything, compute,
storage, bandwidth, updates, security &

99.99% uptime SLA

Our automations and High Availability systems
allow us to provide 99.99% uptime SLA for
business plans.

Dedicated VM

We deliver all services on dedicated virtual
machines for better security and

End-to-End Encryption

We enforce TLS for connections used in
transferring data and encrypt it while it is on

elestio supports open source
by creating a reliable source of
income for developers.

We do revenue sharing with open source authors participating in our program, they get 20% of the revenue generated. The goal is to create a sustainable ecosystem where open source authors can focus on improving softwares instead of going into B2B/SaaS business models and without any devOps overhead.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some most commonly asked questions

  • How do you bill for your service?

    We don't charge anything for the software (because it's open source) but your software will be deployed on a dedicated KVM with a price per hour depending on the size of the service & support plan. We will bill you for each vm until you choose to delete them.

  • Which support plan do you offer?

    Our experts will provide you through our standard, premium or enterprise support plans. Based on your support plan you will have access to different remote backups retention, support channels & SLA.

  • Which cloud providers are used?

    Elestio is currently available in 5 cloud providers: Digital Ocean, Amazon Lightsail, Linode, Vultr and Hetzner. But you can also Bring Your Own VM (BYOVM) and connect your VMs on-premise or from any cloud providers.

  • Where can I deploy my services?

    You can deploy your services in 40 cities across 20 countries which represents 80 datacenters from 5 cloud providers. That way, you can deploy your services near to your location and get the lowest possible latency.

  • Where is stored my data?

    Your data is hosted in the country/city where you choosed to deploy your service. By default, Backups are stored on the same continent but in a different datacenter.

  • Can I deploy elestio services on-premise or in my own cloud account?

    Yes, with "Bring Your Own VM" (BYOVM) you can deploy your services on your own server on premise or in any cloud provider.

  • Can my service communicate between different cloud provider safely?

    Yes, by default we activate a fully encrypted private network that is global to your project and all services across all providers. Your services deployed in provider A can safely talk over an encrypted network to another service in provider B. Global Private IP is powered by Slack's Nebula.

  • Is it possible to restrict access to IPs (with a firewall)?

    Yes, each service come with a pre-configured firewall, you can easily restrict access to one or multiple IPs from the service dashboard

  • Can I migrate/clone my service to another cloud or region?

    Yes, from the service dashboard you just need to click on the 'clone' button to migrate/clone the running service to any other target cloud or region.

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